

Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT), also called solution-focused therapy or solution-building practice therapy, was developed by Steven de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg, and their colleagues. As the name suggests, SFBT is future-focused and goal-directed, and focuses on solutions rather than on the problems that brought clients to seek therapy.

伯格(Berg)及其合作者De Shazar于1978年在威斯康星州密尔沃基(Milwaukee)建立了简短的家庭治疗中心(BFTC)作为培训和研究机构。

整个以溶液为中心的方法是在城市内门诊的归纳中开发的健康service setting associated with the BFTC, in which clients were accepted without previous screening. The developers of SFBT spent hundreds of hours observing therapy sessions over the course of several years, carefully noting the therapists’ questions, behaviors, and emotions that occurred during the session and how the various activities of the therapists affected the clients and the therapeutic outcome of the sessions. Questions and activities related to clients’ report of progress were preserved and incorporated into the SFBT approach. The developers of SFBT were also strongly influenced by Milton Erickson’s use of language and metaphor and the work at the

Mental Research Institute in California focusing on沟通被诊断患有精神分裂症的人家庭的模式。

自从早期发展以来,SFBT已成为简短疗法的重要学校。它已成为商业,社会政策,教育,教育,刑事司法services, child welfare, and domestic violence offenders treatment. Described as a practical, goal-driven model, a hallmark of SFBT is its emphasis on clear, concise, realistic goal negotiations. The SFBT approach assumes that all clients have some knowledge of what would make their life better, even though they may need some (at times, considerable) help in describing the details of their better life. SFBT also assumes that everyone who seeks help already possesses at least the minimal skills necessary to create solutions.

Key Concepts and Tools of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy










Inviting the Clients to Do More of What Is Working

一旦SF治疗师通过称赞创建了一个正面的框架,然后发现了一些以前的解决方案和问题的例外,他们会轻轻邀请客户做更多以前有效的事情,或者尝试提出的更改,- 经常称为“实验”。


This unusual sounding tool is powerful in generating the first small steps of “solution states” by helping clients to describe small, realistic, and doable steps they can take as soon as the next day. The miracle question developed out of desperation with a suicidal woman with an alcoholic husband and four “wild” children who gave her nothing but grief. She was desperate for a solution, but thought that she might need a “miracle” to get her life in order. Since the development of this technique, the miracle question (MQ) has been tested numerous times in many different cultures. The most recent version is as follows:

  • Therapist:我要问一个一个相当奇怪的问题……这需要您的想象力……您有良好的想象力吗?
  • 客户:我认为,我会尽力而为。
  • Therapist: 好的。一个奇怪的问题是:我们交谈后,您回家(回去工作),在今天的其余部分中,您还有很多工作要做(在此处列出通常的任务)。现在是时候上床睡觉了……您家中的每个人都睡着了,房子很安静……在深夜,有一个奇迹,问题使您与我谈论的问题都解决了。但是,因为这发生在您睡觉时发生,所以您不知道有奇迹和问题解决了……因此,当您慢慢地从声音睡眠中出来时……第一个会让您感到奇怪的小标志must’ve been a miracle… the problem is all gone! How would you discover this?
  • 客户:我想我会想起身面对一天,而不是想遮住毯子下的头,然后躲在那里。
  • Therapist:假设您这样做,起身面对一天,您今天早上不做的事情是什么?
  • 客户:我想我会以开朗的声音对我的孩子说早上好,而不是像我现在那样向他们尖叫。
  • Therapist:您的孩子回应您开朗的“早上好”会做什么?
  • 客户:起初,他们会惊讶地听到我用开朗的声音与他们交谈,然后他们会冷静下来,放松。天哪,这已经发生了很长时间。
  • Therapist:那么,您会做什么,那么您今天早上没有做什么?
  • 客户:我会开个玩笑,让他们心情更好。

These small steps become the building block of an entirely different kind of day as clients may begin to implement some of the behavioral changes they just envisioned. This is the longest question asked in SFBT and it has a hypnotic quality to it. Most clients visibly change in their demeanor and some even break out in smiles as they describe their solutions. The next step is to identify the most recent times when the client has had small pieces of miracles (called exceptions) and get them to repeat these forgotten experiences.



The couple in the following example sought help to decide whether their marriage could survive or they should get divorced. They reported they have fought for 10 years of their 20 years of marriage and they could not fight anymore.

  • Therapist:既然你们两个人比任何人都更了解你的婚姻,则假设我以这种方式问你。在1到10的范围内,有10个代表您对这次婚姻的充满信心,而1个代表相反,我们现在可能同样走开了,而且它不会起作用。你会给你的婚姻多少数字?(停顿后,丈夫首先讲话。)
  • 丈夫:我会给它一个7。(妻子在听到这一点时退缩了。)
  • Therapist:(对妻子)你呢?你会给什么号码?
  • 妻子:(她考虑了很长时间)我想说我在1.1。
  • Therapist:(惊讶)那么,什么使它成为1.1?
  • 妻子:我想这是因为我们今晚都在这里。




即使它是一个归纳开发的模型,从最早的开始开始,人们对评估SFBT的有效性一直存在浓厚的兴趣。鉴于SFBT方法背后的临床理念,最初的研究工作主要依赖客户自我报告也就不足为奇了。从那时起,已经产生了越来越多的研究,许多人都有随机比较组,例如Lotta Lindforss和Dan Magnusson的研究,他们研究了SFBT对瑞典斯德哥尔摩Hageby监狱监狱累犯的影响。他们的随机研究比较了平均参加五次SFBT课程的客户和那些获得通常的可用服务的客户。入院后12和16个月,随后随访客户。SFBT组的表现始终比对照组更好。

许多研究人员已经审查了在各种环境和地理位置以及各种客户的研究中进行的研究。根据这些结果研究的评论,华莱士·J·杰格里奇(Wallace J.但是,需要对以解决方案为中心的对话进行共同构建过程进行更多的微分析研究,以通过参与这些对话来发展对客户如何变化的更多了解。


  1. Berg,I。K。和De Shazer,S。(1993)。进行数字谈话:治疗中的语言。在S. Friedman(ed。)中,《变革的新语言:心理治疗中的建设性合作》。纽约:吉尔福德出版社。
  2. Berg,I。K.和Dolan,Y。(2001)。解决方案的故事:一系列希望启发性的故事。纽约:诺顿。
  3. De Jong,P。和Berg,I。K.(2007)。采访解决方案(第三版)。加利福尼亚太平洋格罗夫:布鲁克斯/科尔。
  4. De Shazer,S。(1984)。抵抗死亡。家庭过程,23,79-93。
  5. De Shazer,S.,Dolan,Y.,Korman,H.,Trepper,T.S.,McCollom,E。,&Berg,I.K。(2007)。不仅仅是奇迹:以溶液为重点的简短疗法的现状。纽约州宾厄姆托姆:哈沃斯出版社。
  6. Gingerich,W。和Eisengrat,S。(2000)。以解决方案为重点的简短疗法:对结果研究的综述。家庭过程,39,477-198。
  7. Lindforss,L。和Magnusson,D。(1997)。监狱中以解决方案为中心的疗法。当代家庭疗法:国际杂志,19,89-103。
  8. McGee,D.,Del Vinto,A。和Bavelas,J。(2005)。问题的互动模型作为治疗干预措施。婚姻与家庭疗法杂志,31,371-384。



